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Transforaminal Injections

You deserve pain relief that hits the very source of your discomfort – The nerves in the spine. Target the exact area causing your pain with transforaminal injections. A form of epidural steroid injections, this precise approach addresses nerves where they exit the spine to get anti-inflammatory medication as close to the area of concern as possible.

A transforaminal injection(TI) application delivering medication to the area surrounding spine and nerves, a TI delivers pain relief directly to the space where the nerve exits the vertebrae.

What happens during a transforaminal injection?

A transforaminal injection(TI) is a form of epidural steroid injection. However, instead of delivering medication to the area surrounding your spine and nerves, a TI delivers pain relief directly to the space where the nerve exits the vertebrae.

During your appointment, we will gently insert a needle into the side of your epidural space, where the best pain relief is to be expected. These injections most often happen in the middle of the back.

We will then inject anti-inflammatory medication known as corticosteroids into the space where your nerves leave your spine, where the medicine will act to calm inflammation around the nerves in the spine. Often, you will receive an anesthetic at the treatment area to reduce pain during needle insertion. You could experience pain relief that lasts for months.

A transforaminal injection is a very precise procedure that relies on imaging to accurately guide the needle to the right place. At Altus, we have more than 20 years of experience in delivering transforaminal injections. We will walk you through the procedure step by step with a compassionate and patient-centric approach that prioritizes your comfort.

What conditions does a transforaminal injection treat?

Transforaminal injections are a proven and minimally-invasive way of treating painful conditions that have their source in the spine. Here are some of them:

  • Lower back pain
  • Pinched nerves
  • Spinal degeneration
  • Herniated disc
  • Sciatica
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Bone spurs
  • Scoliosis
  • Spinal nerve damage
  • Foraminal stenosis

woman sitting at desk with back pain

Frequently Asked Questions

It is common to have questions about your procedure. If these answers are not sufficient, we are always happy to talk in more detail. Just reach out!

  • Is there a difference between transforaminal injections and epidural spinal injections?

    Yes, there is a difference. Transforaminal injections target a specific nerve root exiting the spine, while epidural spinal injections are administered more broadly into the epidural space. The choice between the two depends on the location and nature of the pain.

  • What are the potential side effects of transforaminal injections?

    Common side effects include temporary increases in blood sugar, facial flushing, and insomnia. Serious complications are rare but may include infection, bleeding, or nerve damage. We will help you navigate any side effects that occur – You are NOT alone in this process!

  • Who is a suitable candidate for transforaminal injections?

    Suitable candidates for transforaminal injections are individuals experiencing pain related to nerve compression or inflammation. However, not everyone is a candidate, and factors like allergies or certain medical conditions may influence eligibility. We will evaluate the suitability of this treatment for you during your initial consultation.

  • Are transforaminal injections painful?

    While the injection may cause some discomfort, local anesthesia is administered to numb the skin. You may feel pressure during the procedure but should not experience significant pain. We check in with you throughout the procedure to ensure your comfort.

  • How long does it take to experience pain relief after a transforaminal injection?

    The duration of pain relief varies from person to person. Some individuals experience immediate relief, while others may require multiple injections for sustained effects. The benefits can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. We will monitor your progress and schedule you for further injections as needed.

  • Can transforaminal injections be repeated, and how often?

    Transforaminal injections can be repeated if necessary, but the frequency varies based on individual response and the underlying condition. Some individuals may find long-lasting relief with a single injection, while others may require periodic injections.

See Other Treatments

Interventional pain management involves procedures that target and treat the source of pain directly, providing relief without relying solely on medications. This helps to address the root cause of pain with effective and personalized solutions that go beyond traditional pain relief methods.

Epidural Steroid Injections

Precision-focused injections to reduce inflammation and manage pain associated with spinal conditions.

Transforaminal Injections

Targeted injections to relieve pain by directly addressing affected nerve roots.

Nerve Blocks

Expertly administered injections to disrupt pain signals from specific nerves, providing effective relief.

Radiofrequency Ablation Procedure

Minimally invasive, out-patient procedure, in which your provider places specialized needles over the affected nerves.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Cutting-edge technology to modulate pain signals and enhance overall spinal function.

Regenerative Medicine Procedures

Revolutionary regenerative medicine to stimulate natural healing and tissue repair.

Vertebral Augmentation

Heal fractured vertebrae using Vertebral Augmentation, a category of procedures used to create a cast using bone cement to increase height of vertebrae and provide pain relief.
